Dinosaur Bird © Jonathan Whitcomb 2011 Investigations of reports of living pterosaurs worldwide Extinction indoctrination is a major part of the problem From the second edition of the nonfiction cryptozoology book “Live Pterosaurs in America,” page 34: “I saw a featherless flying animal with a wingspan of about 4 1/2 to 5 feet and a long tail with a diamond type shape at the tip of it. No hair or feathers anywhere, just leathery reptile type skin . . . long sharp teeth that somewhat protruded from the mouth like a crocodiles [mouth] when closed. A “dinosaur bird” is actually what some eyewitnesses call a living pterosaur. These flying creatures have been observed all over the world, but they seem to be nocturnal, at least for the most part. Other names are used in various countries; in Papua New Guinea: “ropen,” “duwas,” “kor,” “wawanar,” “indava,” and “seklo-bali.” How have these modern living pterosaurs avoided being officially discovered by the many biologists and nature photographers? It’s the dogmatic extinction assumption, the assumption that all species of pterosaurs became extinct long ago. That’s the problem.